Morgan L. Sperry
Director of the Drug Information Center / Clinical Associate Professor
Morgan L. Sperry, Pharm.D., is director of the UMKC School of Pharmacy’s Drug Information Center and an associate clinical professor in the Division of Pharmacy Practice and Administration. She became the director of the center in January 2020. Morgan joined the Drug Information Center team in August of 2007 after completing her post-doctoral training at Creighton University Center for Drug Information and Evidence-Based Practice in Omaha, Nebraska. Her specialty areas include evidence-based literature evaluation, drug information and consumer health information. In addition to directing day-to-day operations of the Drug Information Center, Morgan currently maintains various contracts, one being with a state prescription assistance program. She primarily teaches in Evidence-Based Medicine, a course for fourth-year pharmacy students prior to experiential rotations. Scholarly activities have included a chapter contribution in The Pharmacist’s Guide to Evidence-Based Medicine for Clinical Decision Making and a chapter regarding consumer health information in Drug Information: A Guide for Pharmacists.Expertise
- Evidence-based literature evaluation, drug information and consumer health information